Smart Plug by PlugCo Is Solving Plug Sliding Problem In The Pipeline Industry. An Innovative Product Is On The Way To Change Testing!
Plug Sliding Issue Solved by PlugCo

For the pipe plug industry, it has always been problematic to calculate the real back pressure during a project implementation. This has led to many problems for the end-users in terms of occupational health and safety.
PlugCo supplied equipment for an undersea waterline Project in Oman. The contractor needed to know the exact back pressure because running the implementation under the sea was quite challenging. Theoretical calculation showed that the Project needed a back support of almost 56 tons to prevent the pipe plug sliding. This is a huge value for any sealing process even the underground or underwater ones.
The difficulty of applying a back support of such extreme values has led PlugCo to start a research and development project. So far, the project has undergone many phases and hundreds of tests and trials have been conducted.
An Innovative Product Is Emerging
The outcome of this research and development project is going to be a smart product package. The smart product will enable users to easily calculate the back pressure in advance. Thus, the users will be able to choose the correct pipe plug for their needs. Moreover, the smart device will indicate real back pressure during the real test period. It will, also, warn the users if the back pressure increases over the maximum permissible level.
Following an intense research and development phase, PlugCo has applied for a patent for this brand-new innovative product, named “Smart Plug”. This innovation will solve a long-lasting problem and fill a huge gap in the industry.
Smart Plug is going to;
- Reduce the Support Cost. The System will help the end-user in following up how much the back pressure holdable by the pipe plug; Thus, this going to save the cost of plug’s over bracing;
- End the complicated back pressure calculation by doing it through our Website;
- Minimize sliding problems, since real back pressure is monitored during implementation;
- Make a great contribution to occupational health and safety at gravity pipeline testing operations;
- Reduce the work time, since the unnecessary applications would be eliminated.
PlugCo has leveled up inhouse engineering through both research and development projects and on-site experiences. Contact our team for further assistance at the email address and at mobile +90 533 545 81 97. Visit our YouTube Channel for video guidance.